Traveling With A Baby: A Parents’ Survival Guide

Cropped hand of a toddler pointing airplane window against blue sky while travelling

Traveling with a baby can be tough. Not only are you packing for yourself, you’re also packing for your baby too which means more gear and things to worry about. But it doesn’t have to be expensive or stressful. Just follow these expert traveling tips and you’ll do just fine.

Plan your trip before you go

This sounds obvious, but it might be the number one thing you can do to make your trip easier. Before you go, make a list of everything you need for the baby, and then make a list of where you’re going and what you’ll need there. If you have time, look into the best travel strollers. If you’re going somewhere warm, think about what clothes your baby will need and make sure to pack light-weight options. Don’t forget to think about vaccinations and travel health insurance. If you’re visiting a destination where you might get sick, get travel insurance to cover medical expenses.

Bring along a stroller

If you’re traveling to a warm destination, a stroller can be essential. But if you’re traveling to a cold destination, a stroller can be a hassle since you’ll need to keep your baby warm. If you’re going to a warm destination, consider bringing a lightweight travel stroller. It’s helpful to fold it up and bring it in your car/traveling. You can use it for walks along the beach or in a park. If you’re going to a cold destination or want a stroller for walks around the city, make sure you get a stroller that is good for colder weather. During colder months, you’ll want a stroller that is warm for your baby. Look for one that has a removable liner and a canopy that can be adjusted to cover your baby’s legs and feet.

Consider an infant carrier backpack

If you’re traveling to a warm destination, you might not want to use a stroller. Instead, try an infant carrier backpack. These come with a padded infant carrier that you can strap to your back. A lot of them have a large storage bag on the back too which is great for storing snacks and changing supplies. These are great if you’re going hiking or traveling to an area where you’ll be walking a lot. They’re also helpful if you have other kids with you since you don’t have to worry about keeping track of a stroller.

Check-in and boarding with a baby can be tricky

When it comes to check-in, many airlines require you to gate check your stroller. This can be tricky if you have a car seat or stroller for your baby since most of the time you can’t check these items as regular luggage. You can always rent a car seat from your airline. They usually charge a fee but it’s worth it if you’re struggling to figure out how to get your baby home safely. Many airlines allow you to board early with a young baby. If you’re flying with an infant, talk to the gate agent and see if you can board early. This way you can get your baby in a bassinet or in a safe space before everyone else boards. Just be aware that some airlines have a certain boarding order with priority boarding for first class and elite members.

Baby-friendly hotels

If you’re staying at a hotel for your trip, look for one that is baby-friendly. Hotels that are baby-friendly often have cribs, changing tables, and sometimes even toys and books for kids available. It will make your trip a lot easier and more comfortable if you find a hotel that welcomes families. Also be sure to ask the hotel where you’re staying if they have a stroller you can use. Some hotels have a few strollers you can use, and others will have a service where you can rent one.

Know the airline’s stroller policy before you fly

Each airline has a different stroller policy. Some airlines allow you to gate check your stroller as regular luggage, while others allow you to bring it on board. If you’re not sure what the airline’s policy is, call and ask before you go. If you’re bringing your stroller on board, make sure it’s not too big. Some airlines have a maximum size for strollers. You can also buy a stroller bag to make it smaller.

Take a travel pillow and blanket for your baby

A lot of babies love a travel pillow. If your little one is still in an infant carrier or being held, a travel pillow can be helpful. It can give them something to hold onto or wrap their arms around. If you’re going to be away from home for a long period of time, a regular baby blanket might not be enough for your baby. Take a travel blanket that’s lightweight and easy to pack. If you’ve got a little one who loves to be swaddled, you may want to take a swaddling blanket with you too. Swaddling blankets are specially made to be easy to wrap around your baby’s body.

Pack light-weight swaddling blankets

If you’re traveling in the colder months, you might want to pack some extra light-weight swaddling blankets. If you have a hotel room with a crib, you can use these to keep your baby warm. If you’re going to be visiting family, you might want to pack a couple of extra light-weight blankets to use for a changing pad. If you’re going to be changing your baby on a bed, you’ll want to make sure it’s clean.

Don’t forget the diaper bag essentials

You can’t forget the essentials. Make sure to pack plenty of diapers, wipes, and an extra change of clothes for your baby. You might also want to pack a small bag of toys and books in case your baby gets bored on the flight. If you’re going on a long trip, you might want to pack a small travel potty. It’s small, easy to clean, and can be helpful if your baby is ready to potty train. You can even get travel potties with a built-in bag for easy disposal. Now that your baby’s ready to travel, it’s time to get out there and explore! Follow these expert traveling tips, and you’ll do just fine.
